Classics with a Twist

** Winner - 'Parents Choice' Silver Honors **

"Clever and Captivating."

Publisher's Weekly

Our 2001 release is a collection of stories old and gold, filled with surprises and chuckles. Barry & Jeri offer some adaptations, creative retellings, and original creations based on classic stories that everyone knows. Stories include: "Baking Cookies", "Beeping Slooty", "The Three Pigs Rap", "Sambalele", "Donkey and Toad", "The Golden Key". Creative sparks and listening fun for the whole family!

Recommended for ages 6 and up.


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Classics with a TwistHear Audio Samples:

1. Baking Cookies

2. Beeping Slooty

3. The Three Pigs Rap

4. Sambalele

5. Donkey and Toad

6. The Golden Key